Coach Patrick Manturi

Personal Best Lifts:
Squat: 405 lbs
Bench Press: 350 lbs
Deadlift: 455 lbs
Snatch: 260 lbs /118 kgs
Clean+Jerk: 315 lbs/143kgs
Pull-Ups: 27
Push-Ups/min: 85
Born and raised in Manchester, NJ he grew up a multi-sport athlete with a primary focus on baseball and football. He developed a new love for the sport and currently competes primarily in Olympic Weightlifting. Being involved with a variety of sports throughout his life has shaped his appreciation of how capable the human body is.
With over 10 years of personal training experience, Patrick found his passion for coaching through enrolling in a Health and Fitness vocational school program. Here is where he learned the fundamentals of personal training and earned his first certification. Following vocational school, he set forth to pursue a B.S. in Exercise Science with a dual concentration in Strength & Conditioning and Nutrition along with multiple specializations and certifications.
In addition to the credentials, he acquired a variety of hands-on experiences coaching alongside and learning from some of the most well respected names in the industry. These experiences include; collegiate strength and conditioning, private sector youth, collegiate, and professional sports performance training, special population and wellness programs at a hospital based fitness center, military development training, biomechanic research lab assistant, and physical rehabilitation centers. This helped Patrick to develop his own style of training that embodies Mach 1’s 3 E’s (Empathy, Education, Excellence). Every training session emphasizes movement quality and efficiency to safely and properly reach each client's goals.
When he is not coaching, he serves as a proud member of the NJ Air National Guard. Patrick also has passions for traveling, going to the beach, hiking, snowboarding, playing golf or riding his motorcycles.
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Exercise Science - University of Scranton, PA
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - NSCA
USA-W Level 2 Coach - USA Weightlifting
Master Sports Performance Coach - NSPA
Certified Speed and Agility Coach - NSPA
Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach - NSPA
Certified Program Design Specialist - NSPA
Certified Sports Nutrition Coach - NSPA
Pn Level 1 Coach - Precision Nutrition
First Aid / CPR American Red Cross